DHI Hair Transplants FAQS

DHI Hair Transplants: Find Answers to Your Hair Restoration Queries DHI Clinic

DHI Hair Transplants FAQS

DHI Hair Transplants: Find Answers to Your Hair Restoration Queries DHI Clinic

DHI Hair Transplants FAQS

DHI Hair Transplant

Patients will experience the full results of a hair transplant between 10 and 14 months after the hair transplant completes. However, after six months, many clients are satisfied with their hair transplant results, unaware that significant hair growth still appears. Clients will sometimes only require one hair transplant in a lifetime. Especially if they strictly follow the medical hair restoration program established around their hair transplant.
At Hair Transplants of the Royal Liver Building, our Surgeons may complete minor hair procedures within three to four hours. More extensive procedures may take six to seven hours. The duration of your hair restoration procedure will depend on the number of grafts required for your desired outcome. The Surgeon will discuss this during your consultation. During a procedure at our clinic, clients will have opportunities to have a break during the course to watch television, read a magazine or listen to music.

Most patients are comfortable during and after hair transplant surgery by the DHI method. After administering the local anaesthetic, the patient does not feel any pain.

DHI is considered one of the safest procedures. In extremely rare cases, the transplant area can become infected, and tissue death can occur. You can encounter little to no side effects that go away a few days after surgery. Side effects may include sensitivity, swelling and bruising.
Non-surgical hair transplants are not permanent. They offer a temporary solution to hair replacement. This non-surgical hair restoration system will need replacing and is very high maintenance.
DHI hair restoration procedures carried out at Hair Transplants of The Royal Liver Building result in minimal scarring and on close inspection can appear like tiny dots.
Because of minimal scarring this method is preferred by vast majority of people.
Hair Transplants of the Royal Liver building's experienced surgical team will meticulously redistribute existing permanent hair to areas with hair thinning. The hair appropriated from the donor site will behave similarly to where it is transplanted. If DHI surgery is done correctly, it will last a lifetime for most people or at least into old age.
Male pattern baldness is the most significant cause of hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness is caused by a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT shrinks the hair follicles on the top of the head resulting in common hair loss patterns. There is more than one cause of hair loss, and our expert consultants will identify and discuss any of these with you during your consultation.
It is impossible to have hair transplanted from somebody else as it can be hazardous. Like any donor, your body may reject the foreign tissue, leading to scarring and infection of the implantation site.
Working after surgery depends on your job and the activity, you will be carrying out. If your job is not physical or too strenuous, we advise you to return to work after a couple of days generally. If your job is particularly physical, the advisory return to work is seven days.
Hair growth can differ from patient to patient. It is typical for each transplanted follicle to enter a dormant phase of 12 weeks before growing. Within six months, you will see around an inch of new healthy growth around the newly transplanted hair.
The surgeons only redistribute your permanent hair to your thin or bald areas. This process does not create new hair growth in other areas. With our team's expert hands, The The Surgeon can use the limited donor hair available to create an illusion of more hair in people with significant hair loss. The most important achievement for patients with extensive baldness will be restoring scalp hair located at the front of the head and the hairline to create a frame around the face. This will improve how you appear to yourself and others.
Hair restoration surgery can be performed at any age. However, the patient's age is a vital factor to be considered. Ideally, the patient should be at least 30 years of age. Although, under certain circumstances, younger patients may be considered. Our expert team of surgeons will be able to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.
Yes, hair transplant surgery can be repeated but it needs to be decided on assessment by the surgeon. It depends upon quality of donor hair and demand. In many cases 2-3 hair transplant surgeries can be performed for a person but each case needs to assessed individually.
Given that DHI is a very gentle procedure that minimises the amount of trauma to the scalp, severe complications and side effects are minimal to none at all. These include no scarring, no prolonged pain or numbness of the transplant site. However, as with all surgical procedures, some side effects may include swelling that is primarily mild to moderate and disappears within a few days of surgery. Our team of skilled surgeons and nurses will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding aftercare.
Post-treatment time is essential to the success of the DHI procedure. What patients should consider after the procedure can be listed below:
  • The aftercare team will let you know how many hours before you can wash your hair, usually around 36-48 hours. The first wash usually happens in the clinic.
  • The patient should use a 15-degree sleeping pillow to prevent any swelling when sleeping.
  • After the first hair wash, daily hair washing should be carried out for the next 15 days, and our aftercare team will provide directions for hair washing. Hair drying must be done with a clean, soft towel without applying pressure. Do not use a hair dryer while drying.
  • You should protect your hair in the first two weeks from direct sunlight, sea and pool water. The patient should protect the scalp from external impact and avoid any pressure, and any Medicine prescribed by the Surgeon must be taken on time and as prescribed.
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